Wednesday, 18 September 2013

I'm Learning Erlang

Here is my first Erlang Code:


fact (0) -> 1;
fact (N) -> N* fact(N-1).

sum([]) -> 0;
sum([H|T])  -> H + sum(T).

append ([],L) -> L;
append ([H|T],L) -> [H|append(T,L)].

flatten([]) -> [];
flatten([X|L]) when is_list(X)  -> append(flatten(X),flatten(L));
flatten([X|L])           -> [X|flatten(L)].   


%alternatively with if
flatten1([]) -> [];
flatten1([X|L]) -> if is_list(X)  -> append(flatten1(X),flatten(L));
              true   ->[X|flatten1(L)]

%or with ++

flatten2([]) -> [];
flatten2([X|L]) when is_list(X)  -> flatten2(X) ++ flatten2(L);
flatten2([X|L])           -> [X|flatten2(L)].   

To run it

(1) first install Erlang with apt-get install erlang
(2) Then type erl at the command line
(3) Then compile it with c(factorial).
(4) Then try out some expressions e.g.
It will say:

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